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Matric Group

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Electronic Manufacturing Services Company

4 min read

Capabilities of an Electronic Manufacturing Services Company

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electronic manufacturing services company

7 min read

Capabilities of an Electronic Manufacturing Services Company

Do you work for an original equipment manufacturer or OEM? Chances are you’ve crossed paths with a project requiring an electronic manufacturing...

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pcb assembly services

3 min read

Worth It to Outsource PCB Assembly Services? Definitely

More manufacturers these days are realizing the benefits of using external PCB assembly services versus a DIY approach. Allowing an electronics...

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cable and harness assembly

3 min read

What to Know About Electronic Cable & Harness Assembly

When it comes to making a custom electronic cable and harness assembly, the little details matter. A faulty wire or a bad connection could ruin an...

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LED PCB design for safety

3 min read

LED PCB Design for Safety

At this point, we’re all familiar with light-emitting diode (LED) lights. From the bright, efficient bulbs replacing the old filament lamps, to the...

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electronic obsolescence

2 min read

What is Obsolescence Management for Electronics?

You just installed your new PCBs in your machines and they’re working great! Dust off your hands and pat yourself on the back; the hard part’s done,...

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electronics manufacturing services company pcb inspection

5 min read

Guide to Working With an Electronics Manufacturing Services Company

“How will my idea go from conception to finished product at your company?” It’s a question we hear a lot, and a good one. It’s natural to want to...

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IPC Standards chart

2 min read

IPC Standards Chart for U.S.

The IPC standards chart (or tree, in some circles) provides guidelines for the production and assembly requirements of electronics manufacturing...

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industrial wireless control

3 min read

Moving to a Wireless Industrial Control: IoT & More

Many industrial and manufacturing operations are looking closely at wireless industrial controls to see what benefits they offer. These wireless...

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aftermarket electronics remanufacturing

3 min read

How Aftermarket Electronics Remanufacturing Boosts the Energy Industry

Massive amounts of money are at play when it comes to power distribution electronics. The electronic product development life cycle frequently sparks...

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Mine Safety and Health Administration Regulation - Mine Work with Heavy Equipment

4 min read

All About MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) Regulations

Just about any piece of electronics can be dangerous when they’re manufactured poorly. But when you’re manufacturing for the mining industry, you’re...

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PCB Design Tips for Solar Panel Electronics Panels in Field

4 min read

11 PCB Design Tips for Photovoltaic/Solar Panel Electronics

When designing solar-powered embedded systems intended for outdoor applications, durability, performance, and energy efficiency are a perfect storm...

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turnkey pcb assembly

3 min read

What Is Turnkey PCB Assembly?

Turnkey assembly -- buzzwords or worth looking into?

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medical pcb assembly and design - stethoscope on circuit board

4 min read

5 Medical PCB Assembly & Design Tips

The benefits of new technologies in health care are awesome. Developers are showing off some amazing ideas for medical devices. It’s no surprise that...

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American Electronics Manufacturer part 5

2 min read


(Editor’s note: This is part 5 of a five-part series on the history of Matric Group, from a $20 investment in 1971 to a $60+ million business today.)

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Matric Limited Expansion

2 min read


From the Playstation 2 to the first-ever International Space Station crew, the beginning of the Millennium saw technological breakthroughs, rolling...

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medical device electronics design

2 min read

Medical Device Electronics Design: Preventing Component Shortages

About 20% of all medical device manufacturers struggle to manage component shortages . This can be a big problem, especially since many devices can...

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American Electronics Manufacturer: 1990s Matric Building

2 min read

Story of an American Electronics Manufacturer Pt. 3: The 1990s

(Editor’s note: This is part 3 of a six-part series on the history of Matric Group, from a $20 investment in 1971 to a $60+ million business today.)

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how to achieve zero defects electronics build

6 min read

How to Achieve Zero Defects in Your Electronics Build: 8 Tips

There are many areas in life where accepting mistakes as inevitable is a good thing -- electronics manufacturing is not one of them. The end goal...

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pcb layout design for manufacturability

3 min read

PCB Layout Design for Manufacturability: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Optimizing PCB layout design for manufacturability is one of the most crucial aspects of your product’s development process. Key decisions made...

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IPC Standards for PCB design

2 min read

IPC Standards for PCBs: Why Sophisticated PCB’s Are IPC Compliant:

Whether you’re in the electronics, healthcare, or manufacturing industry, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the hodgepodge of standards regarding PCB...

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ISO 14001

2 min read

Is Your ECM Giving You the 5 Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification?

With a practically worldwide push toward environmental responsibility, more companies are choosing to -- or have no choice but to -- demonstrate that...

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Military Grade Electronics PCB 2

4 min read

Military-Grade Electronics PCB Design Considerations

Toughness in the military cuts across the board. It's not just the tough personnel, but also the electronics and the computers used in the field. Of...

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