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Matric Blog Library
Electronics Contract Manufacturing Resources
Matric (3)

3 min read
LED PCB Design for Safety

At this point, we’re all familiar with light-emitting diode (LED) lights. From the bright, efficient bulbs replacing the old filament lamps, to the...

2 min read
What is Obsolescence Management for Electronics?

You just installed your new PCBs in your machines and they’re working great! Dust off your hands and pat yourself on the back; the hard part’s done,...

5 min read
Guide to Working With an Electronics Manufacturing Services Company

“How will my idea go from conception to finished product at your company?” It’s a question we hear a lot, and a good one. It’s natural to want to...

2 min read
IPC Standards Chart for U.S.

The IPC standards chart (or tree, in some circles) provides guidelines for the production and assembly requirements of electronics manufacturing...

3 min read
Moving to a Wireless Industrial Control: IoT & More

Many industrial and manufacturing operations are looking closely at wireless industrial controls to see what benefits they offer. These wireless...

3 min read
How Aftermarket Electronics Remanufacturing Boosts the Energy Industry

Massive amounts of money are at play when it comes to power distribution electronics. The electronic product development life cycle frequently sparks...

4 min read
All About MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) Regulations

Just about any piece of electronics can be dangerous when they’re manufactured poorly. But when you’re manufacturing for the mining industry, you’re...

4 min read
11 PCB Design Tips for Photovoltaic/Solar Panel Electronics

When designing solar-powered embedded systems intended for outdoor applications, durability, performance, and energy efficiency are a perfect storm...

4 min read
6 Challenges in Medical Tech Manufacturing: Standards & Certs

More opportunity, more money … and more problems.

4 min read
5 Medical PCB Assembly & Design Tips

The benefits of new technologies in health care are awesome. Developers are showing off some amazing ideas for medical devices. It’s no surprise that...

2 min read
Medical Device Electronics Design: Preventing Component Shortages

About 20% of all medical device manufacturers struggle to manage component shortages . This can be a big problem, especially since many devices can...

2 min read
Story of an American Electronics Manufacturer Pt. 3: The 1990s

(Editor’s note: This is part 3 of a six-part series on the history of Matric Group, from a $20 investment in 1971 to a $60+ million business today.)

6 min read
How to Achieve Zero Defects in Your Electronics Build: 8 Tips

There are many areas in life where accepting mistakes as inevitable is a good thing -- electronics manufacturing is not one of them. The end goal...

3 min read
PCB Layout Design for Manufacturability: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Optimizing PCB layout design for manufacturability is one of the most crucial aspects of your product’s development process. Key decisions made...

4 min read
Electronics Design Guide for Autonomous Vehicle PCBs

A report in 2020 estimated that one in every 10 vehicles globally will be self-driving by 2030. Driverless cars come with several benefits, including...

3 min read
Electronics Manufacturing Plant Security Procedures Your ECM Must Use

You probably take plenty of steps to protect intellectual property at your OEM. But what about the other guys handling your sensitive secrets? For...

3 min read
3 Ways to Prep for Your High-Reliability Class 3 Electronics Project

You’re an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in need of an electronics contract manufacturer (ECM) to supply circuit boards for a product you...
3 min read
Story of an American Electronics Manufacturer Pt. 2: The 1980s

As we continue the countdown to Matric's 50th anniversary, let's recap so far the 1970s and how it all started. In part one of this series, we...

2 min read
2021 Electronics Manufacturing Trade Shows You Don’t Want to Miss

Even in our vastly internet-dominated world, nothing has quite replicated the impact of a face-to-face discussion with vendors and fellow engineers....

2 min read
Story of an American Electronics Manufacturer Pt. 1: The 1970s

The year is 1971. Carole King's' hit single "I Feel The Earth Move" is playing through a Plymouth Volare as two electrical engineers/teachers enter a...

3 min read
Best PCB Substrate Types For Your Board

Most often, the foundation, or base, of a printed circuit board (PCB) consists of a substrate and laminate. Different PCB laminate and substrate...

2 min read
How to Get Accurate PCB Quotes From an Electronics Contract Manufacturer

When outsourcing your printed circuit board (PCB), electronics box build, or cable assembly to an electronics contract manufacturer, you expect a...

6 min read
Glossary: Terms Your Electronics Contract Manufacturer May Use

When talking with salespeople, design engineers, and other contacts within an electronic contract manufacturer, you may hear a lot of terms thrown...

3 min read
INFOGRAPHIC: Conformal Coatings vs. Potting/Encapsulation

The electronics sector is one of the most dynamic industries, with virtually unlimited applications. This is why its growth is expected to remain...